Sunday, June 28, 2015

Style 136

This suit was inspired by a 1956 Hardy Amies design.
For more information about this suit click here.


Stitch the side back pieces to the center back.

Stitch the side fronts to the center fronts.
Shoulder seams
Stay-stitch neckline.
Stitch the ends of the collar, clip the corners.
Turn the collar right side out, press, and baste the opening closed.

Stitch the collar to the neckline between the markings.

Ease-stitch the top of the sleeves.

 Ease the top of the sleeves to fit the armholes.

Stitch the sleeves into the armholes.

Press the seam allowances up on 3 sides of the front straps.  Alternate the direction of the folds to reduce bulk.

Trim out the folded corners to reduce bulk.

Hand stitch the straps closed.

Stitch the center front facings to the side fronts.

Stitch the side backs to the center backs.  (In the pattern instructions I said to stitch the center back lining seam together first, but this way is better.)

Shoulder seams and stay-stitch the necklines.


Center back seam, leave an opening for turning later.

Stitch the bottom of the sleeves to the sleeve linings.
Under-stitch the lining.

Stitch the front edges and neckline to the lining.

Underarm seams

Turn the jacket right-side out, mark the front strap placements.
Open up the seam for the strap to fit into the jacket.

Strap placements

Jacket hem

Press the bottom of the jacket, and stitch the back opening closed.

Buttons and snaps
For photos and instructions for the straight skirt, click here.

The three hat pieces:  Lining backed with Wonder-under, hat top with stiff interfacing fused to the middle, and hat crown with stiff interfacing.

Add photo of hat crown here.

Hand stitch a gathering stitch around the hat.  Pull the thread tight, and knot the thread.  Press the hat flat.

Fuse the lining to the wrong side of the hat top.
(Add photo of the end of the hat crown)

Hand stitch the crown to the top of the hat.
(Add photo of the other end of the crown.)

Stitch the ends of the crown together.

The three steps of the bow

Stitch the bow to the center front of the hat.

This bow was made with a narrower ribbon.
For photos and instructions for the gloves, click here.

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